Laser Hair Removal

IPL Laser Hair Removal   

What is IPL Laser Hair Removal?

IPL uses a high-output flashlamp, which is essentially, a very bright flashbulb, to produce a broad wavelength output of noncoherent light that is directed towards the end of a handheld device, releasing energy pulses onto the skin’s surface. The light energy is then absorbed by the  melanin pigment , which results in thermal injury to the follicles  of actively growing hairs in the Anagen Phase . When hair is targeted and destroyed in this growth phase, the follicle itself is also destroyed and is no longer capable of producing future hair.

​What to Expect ?

Hair color and thickness are important factors in predicting the efficacy of hair removal through IPL. Dark, coarse hair has a higher tendency of absorbing more energy and tends to respond better than fine and light hair. IPL is widely used today with tons of at-home devices available on the market to effectively get rid of unwanted hair

The appearance of the treated area immediately following treatment will vary from patient to patient, depending on the extent of the procedure and the skin type. You may experience some slight reddening or local swelling at the treatment site, which are in fact, positive clinical results and indicate that the follicle has responded to the treatment. Treatment is generally administered in a series of four to twelve sessions that yield excellent long-term results. Side effects are rare, and if they do occur, are typically minor. Most people return to normal activity right away.

What are the benefits of IPL Laser Hair Removal?

1. It’s Quick

If it’s a quick solution you’re searching for, laser hair removal is the fastest way to get rid of unwanted hair.

You will have to have multiple treatment sessions, but most sessions only take a few minutes. The smaller the treatment area, the less time you’ll spend under the laser.

2. It’s Less Painful Than Other Hair Removal Methods

Laser hair removal is a lot less painful than most people think. Many people equate it to the feeling of snapping a rubber band against the skin.

Depending on your threshold for pain, you may find it slightly uncomfortable, but the sessions are so fast that most people find it easy to endure.

3. It’s Precise

Laser technology is incredibly precise, making laser hair removal ideal for people looking to target and remove a few specific hairs.

This makes it a great option, even if you’re looking to remove small areas of hair from around the eyebrows, upper lip, nose, or bikini lines hairline.

4. It Can Remove Hair From Any Part of the Body

With the exception of the eyelashes, laser hair removal can be performed on any part of the body.

It’s especially ideal for the back and bikini area, which can be hard to reach with razors and extremely painful to wax.

5. It Prevents Ingrown Hairs

Shaving, waxing, and other methods of hair removal can cause ingrown hairs. If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, laser hair removal is an excellent option.

By destroying the hair at the root, you’ll never have to worry about those pesky hairs growing back in or curling back into the body and becoming ingrown.

6. It Saves You From Having to Endure Regrowth

Some methods, such as waxing and plucking, require that you endure a bit of regrowth in between sessions. With laser hair removal, you can enjoy smooth, hair-free skin at all times.

7. It’s a Long-Term Solution

Most people see permanent, lasting results with laser hair removal. In some cases, you may need a touch-up a few months or years down the line, but it remains one of the best long-term solutions available.

At minimum, you will see a permanent reduction in hair growth that becomes easier to maintain over time.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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