Chemical Peels

Chemical Peel 

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing and exfoliating technique used to selectively remove the thin, top layer of skin. A chemical solution is applied to the skin which causes it to exfoliate and "peel off" the outer layers, resulting in the growth of a newer, brighter, and smoother layer of skin, encouraging a faster rate of collagen production to occur naturally. Chemical peels serve to both remove brown/red discolorations of the skin as well as remove fine wrinkles thereby creating a younger appearing skin and more even skin tone.

There are many chemical peels available that range from superficial to deep. Your doctor will discuss the different types of chemical peels with you, your medical history, and your skin goals to determine whether light, medium, or deeper peels are right for you.

In general, the type of chemical peel you choose will depend on the desired depth of penetration, your desired outcome, and the length of recovery time you are willing to commit to. Typically, the deeper the peel, the greater the results, but deeper peels are also associated with longer recovery periods and a higher risk of developing side effects.

​How does Peel make your skin-care Products work better ?

In minutes, acids lift away dead cells and trigger a lovely chain reaction: "As that topmost layer is shed, signals are sent to the living cells below to multiply and move up, to increase collagen production, to make more hyaluronic acid—to act younger," says David Bank, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Columbia University/Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. A thorough sloughing also offers one very immediate upshot: smoother skin that's both more radiant and more receptive. "Your skin-care products perform better after a peel because there are no dead cells impeding their penetration.

What are the benefits of Chemical Peels ?

Chemical peels can be performed to improve the appearance of the face, neck, and hands, but are most commonly utilized to improve facial skin. Depending on the intensity of the chemical peel, the procedure can erase or reduce a wide range of skin ailments, including:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Sun damage
  • Signs of aging
  • Skin discolorations
  • Blotchiness
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots, brown spots, and freckles
  • Light scarring
  • Certain pre-cancerous skin growths
  • Melasma
  • Crow’s Feet

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